Let me be very clear from the onset, the human being known by the label, Rick Pursell is NOT the Oracle, which loosely defined is:
‘A person or thing regarded as an infallible
authority on something’.
I am not that, nor am I a teacher, channel, master, swami or guru, or any of those similar monikers
With no self-debasement, I consider myself to be living an ordinary life, in an extraordinary way.
A messenger perhaps, with a willingness to deliver what comes through me as opposed to what comes from me.

The Oracle of Consciousness Series contains 166 short, snippets of wisdom,
which could be termed - Life Hacks.
Here is the Introduction and and feel free to explore the remaining chapters.

Previous articles

In these days of unprecedented transformation, we are being ably assisted by generations who have built their consciousness upon those who came before them.

Rite of Passage: "A ceremony or series of ceremonies, often very ritualised, to celebrate a transition in a person’s life indicating a new and different status." Are we undergoing a rite of passage?

“The power of the Universal Declaration is the power of ideas to change the world. It inspires us to continue working to ensure all people can gain freedom, equality and dignity." If we are to restore our human dignity, equality and Sovereignty, it well behooves us to understand and apply the content of this declaration.

These are tumultuous times as we transit from the old paradigm to the new. Welcome to the current transformation of Human Consciousness the likes of which has never before been experienced. Ever!

General consensus has us living in a Matrix. Why is it so hard and how do we get out of it into our Sovereignty?

When we compartmentalise our lives, we can make more sense out of it and focus on getting into balance

Once upon a time a long, long, time ago, in a timeless dimension a long, long, way away and before I incarnated into this body, I was invited to join a bunch of brave souls to volunteer for a incredibly adventurous mission.

While using our left hemisphere of the brain to fiond solutions to challenges, ther eis another useful option

"The Seventh Generation Principle is based on an ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.

Water is one of the Earth's primary elements. The others being Fire, Air, and Earth.

True and lasting freedom comes from seeing beyond the illusion of solidity to what is ever-present, unchanging, and unlimited. That is consciousness. In this and the following article, we explore a little about the nature of consciousness

Cause No Harm for Kids is a basic values structure that can guide them more harmoniously through life.

Two young adventurous spirits meet in Italy and continue their inner and outer journeys together.

The EGO is driven by fear, separateness and superiority. The Authentic Self is driven by love, compassion and connectedness

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when created them” Albert Einstein With the current impetus of humanity awakening like a giant bear from its hibernation and slumber, comes the need to take more and more responsibility for our actions.

We normally define wealth as money and assets, but what if true wealth was much broader?

The Matrix is complex, deceiving, imprisoning and designed to keep the human family deeply embroiled in conflict, separateness, superiority and a whole gamut of destructive behaviours.

We came from Nature and we shall return to nature. It is what happens in between that really counts!

When we compartmentalise our lives, we can make more sense out of it and focus on getting into balance

What does it mean - heart-centred and what do we need to get there?

Without imagination, how could we ever envision a better world? Without hope how could we ever feel or expect a particular outcome to occur?

Mindfulness is being fully present in Present Time, observing and feeling what is arising in that moment, without judgement or mind chatter.

Trust is a vital component of any relationship, for without it there is no strong foundation, which breeds doubt.

Sometimes we hang onto things that no longer serve us. Letting go of these leaves us with a sense of liberation
Thanks for reading Rick's musings.
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